How are students Celebrating during this time of social distancing? (paige hoffmann)
How are students Celebrating during this time of social distancing?

paige hoffmann

Easter in Quarantine

How are students and families celebrating during this time of social distancing.

May 13, 2020

How did New Ulm High School students spend easter during the pandemic?

For many, Easter is an exciting spring holiday to be spent with family. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and social distancing policies, easter looked different for many this year. Many spend Easter by going to church, spending time with extended family, large meals, and an easter egg hunt. But this year looked a little different for many. 

Easter fell on April 12th this year, during the middle of the Coronavirus pandemic. How did New Ulm High School students celebrate this holiday during this time? Senior Brenna Barstad says that her family just stayed home and hung out, spending time together watching Netflix. Another Senior, Leah Preisinger says she also stayed home instead of going to her grandparents’ home as usual. Staying home seemed to be the idea most people had all over the world. Overall, It seems like most people decided to play it safe and celebrate at home. 

Holidays and celebrations are looking different for people all over the world. Students and families are coming up with creative ways to connect with friends and family. Zoom calls and drive-by parades have become the new normal for celebrations. For now, we will have to keep coming up with creative ways to connect until we can all celebrate together again. 


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