Yearbook: Inside Edition 2019

The yearbook team is hard at work trying to create the best book yet.

March 7, 2019

“Alone we can do so little, but together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

As of 2018 NUHS has allowed a new course to become available to the students – Yearbook – an excellent class for those who have been given a creative spirit and love being involved in many of the school’s activities. Whether you enjoy snapping interesting pics or developing templates and layouts or an artistic front cover, there’s always something for everyone.

Anyone of any grade can join. But not only does yearbook need an awesome team but they also need an awesome adviser to overlook the whole project and to give students advice along the way, and that would be Mrs. Bridget Gusso. She has been the yearbook adviser for the last three years and also teaches a few of the art classes here at the school and the interior design class. Even though she majors in interior design, she still very much enjoys looking over the yearbook and seeing what cool theme or design the yearbook student’s think up each year.

The yearbook team really feels that the work should be divided among the students,  but to also listen to everyone’s ideas. Gusso explains, “the assignments are divided equally to all students. We have a yearbook ladder displayed in the class where students can choose what pages they are interested in and the pages are then divided. Students also have other individual assignments such as event photographing, interviews, ads, remind, templates, editing, etc.”

The theme for this year’s yearbook is big, bold, and bright. It includes lots of bold lettering and interesting shaped photo frames.

The program the students use to style the pages is called Pictavo. It is an internet company that assists schools with yearbooks every year. On the website, the teacher is able to see and record how often a student is using the program, whether that would be uploading pictures or editing a page. The cover is always a student-made piece of art. The yearbook squad cannot wait to see what it will be this year.

The yearbook team of 2018-2019 is very dedicated to making sure this book stands out from past years. As said by Mrs. Gusso, “The book is farther than it has ever been at this time. I am very impressed with all of the hard work that has gone into this book so far. I don’t think people really understand everything that goes into making it, and how much time it really takes. I am very proud of my students for everything they have done up to this point. I think creating something with the students that will last forever really –  it’s pretty cool when you think about it, we are making a record of their history.”

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