A quarter of a century later…

A look into the 25 short years of Ms. Gordon at New Ulm High School
Mr. Bute, Mr. Nessler, Mrs. Gordon, Mr. Janssen, and Mr. Dennis matching, bald heads and all.
Mr. Bute, Mr. Nessler, Mrs. Gordon, Mr. Janssen, and Mr. Dennis matching, bald heads and all.

It takes 84 steps to get from Room 224 to Room 212. At the end of those 84 steps, you are greeted with a caring smile and a “WELCOME!” to start your day from Ms. Gordon, the teacher in Room 212. Many of us may think that we know the woman behind the energetic attitude, but how many of us know what happens behind the scenes after the bell rings at 2:55?

“Someone was pranking me and they were putting Justin Bieber stuff in my room, so I opened the door and there was a Justin Beiber poster on my blackboard and I don’t remember if they wrote a note or something but the next day there was a pin, a toothbrush, and then more posters and eventually accumulated to a life-size cutout of Justin Bieber in my classroom. I still, to this day, don’t know who did it…” Ms. Gordon said, illustrating some of the shenanigans that happen in the history hall.

Ms. Gordon is an eagle through and through, straight outta college, New Ulm High School was her first job. “…I got offered a couple of other jobs, but I turned them down…but yeah, it was my first job out of college and it kind of stuck,” said Ms. Gordon.

Mr. Bute states that one thing that really gets her blood pressure going is the curriculum. “She may even use some choice words when she answers that.”

Now that we have discussed a little bit about Ms. Gordon, let’s hear what her fellow history buffs think about her.

Let’s hear what her co-workers think…
Mr. Nessler
Mr. Nessler

"Gordon the Guru," said Mr. Nessler. "I go to her with many of my questions about something that is going on...she is a very knowledgeable teacher." Mr. Nessler has known Ms. Gordon since the start of his career at New Ulm High School. "I have worked with her from day one." When asked about a funny memory he said, "I remember it was three years ago when Ms. Gordon and Mr. Janssen dressed up as bald-headed teachers to join forces with the other teachers. It was an important day for me because I felt I was seen," he joked. "As I worked with her, she was very knowledgable, and she was very helpful, and that she is just an incredible teacher that is very passionate about the content that she is teaching our students here..." His advice for Ms. Gordon would be "to give Mr. Nessler advice because she does an incredible job."

Mr. Janssen
Mr. Janssen

Mr. Janssen has known Mrs. Gordon since she was Ms. Otte; he, in fact, "helped do the interviewing process that brought her to the district." He describes her as "a hard worker and a person who has strong convictions...she is also a creative planner and she does a good job with coming up with creative lessons..." Mr. Janssen offers this piece of advice to her: "She is just getting started, only been here for 25 years, and to be prepared for what is to come in the future." He also provides a quote from Former President FDR, "I am not the smartest fellow in the world, but I can sure pick smart colleagues."

Mr. Dennis
Mr. Dennis

Mr. Dennis has known Mrs. Gordon for the entirety of his career at New Ulm High School. "She was actually on the hiring committee when I got hired, so it's neat to be a coworker of someone who helped bring you here." He would describe her personality as "passionate" also stating that she will work for what she wants and what she thinks is right. "I enjoy walking down the hall and talking to her and Mr. Nessler, that comradery really brings a smile to my face." The advice that he gives to Ms. Gordon is to "keep on being who you are. A lot of students would say that she is their favorite teacher; I think that it is special that we have so many unique teachers, and you should keep being who you are because everybody is reaching somebody."

Mr. Graham
Mr. Graham

Mr. Gram has known Mrs. Gordon for two years; he describes her as "very passionate and intimidating in a good way!" He complimented how supportive she has been, "As a young teacher she has been nothing but supportive for me..." He recounts a funny story: "Last year I was out in front of her room talking and a student walks up the stairs and he's holding his nose and we were like 'are you okay?' and he just ralphed right on the floor. Gordon just sprang into action and it was funny to watch her operate on a different level." He offers this piece of advice: "Just keep doing what you're doing; you're crushing it."

Mr. Bute
Mr. Bute

Mr. Bute has known Mrs. Gordon for 25 years since the day she started at New Ulm High School. He describes her as "very intense, even at her interview, you could always tell that she wants to do well...She is very passionate about doing really well." When asked about a funny memory he states, "There is too many to tell," he joked. "She was kind of like the co-lead, but now she has almost taken over as the department lead. Once in a while, she will get upset about something and she will fire off an email and then she will email or call me and I would be like 'Becky, you really sent this?'" He began to talk about the Justin Bieber prank and how Mrs. Gordon had a life-size Bieber cutout, but he said "she is notorious for that sort of thing," laughing. "When I had my 5oth birthday, I got little cupcakes with tombstones and when I turned 40 she decorated my room all black. We have a nice working relationship." When questioned about what students would be surprised to learn about her he said, "What she balances, kids and all the things that go on, she is a super planner, she manages and balances a lot of stuff. She is really soft and gooey inside, iron marshmallow." He offers this piece of advice, "Right now in the state that she is in, with kids and work, that you are going to look back on those days and miss them, enjoy the ride."

Mrs. Gordon lends this piece of advice to future teachers, “Make sure it is something that you want to do because it is challenging but it is rewarding in different ways. We do need good and passionate teachers but you need to be able to go with the flow and be able to roll with changes and be dedicated to teaching as a career.”

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