A Day In the Life of A Senior

A Day In the Life of A Senior

The senior class of 2017 has less than two weeks of school left. That means we’re all excited to get out of here. Some of us are stressing about finishing strong and others are cruising through without a care in the world.  The best word to use, when talking about the students that are relaxing and taking it easy, would be slackers, but that’s not very nice. We’ll just call them Easy-Goers. Now lets take a look into a day of one of these Easy-Goers.

The day starts just like any other day, falling out of bed at maybe the third or fourth alarm. Can’t be smelly, so after rolling out of bed gotta shower. As far as clothing goes comfort foregoes style, so sweatpants, sweatshirts, and jeans are a necessity. Breakfast is sometimes optional even though it is the most important meal of the day. If breakfast is eaten then its probably something quick, like a bowl of cereal or maybe some fast-food breakfast stuff.

By now the Easy-Goer has made it to school, even if it is 30 seconds before the bell. There’s no need to stop at a locker because everything can be held in a notebook or folder. For a good portion of first hour staying awake is the main focus. The rest of the time is spent paying attention to the topic in class and, depending on the day of the week, thinking about what happened over the previous weekend or plans for the coming weekend. Second hour can be described as the grey area between waking up and waiting for lunch. Next there’s lunch. Hold on, we still got third hour. Third hour can feel like it drags on forever, especially if there wasn’t enough time for breakfast. And it’s not just the seniors, everyone goes crazy before lunch.

Lunch, the halfway point in the day. Some people say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but some say it’s definitely lunch. It gives us that extra will to live to get through the rest of the day without collapsing into a puddle. We get to leave the high school and make good decisions about where we go and what we eat. Most lunches are either fast-food, Chinese, or simply going home to dig through the fridge to find something tasty and filling.

After lunch feels like it should be nap time, but since we’re in school we can’t do anything fun. The struggle becomes real as the post-lunch tiredness hits hard. Fifth and sixth hour can be hard because we just wanna nap through all the boring class stuff and go home. The only thing keeping students from passing out is the thought that the day is so close to being over. Eyes are on the clock and not on the assignment or whatever the teacher is talking about.

Once that last bell rings all school-related thoughts exit the brain and there’s a new spark of life. Finally home free and ready to eat, sleep, and be lazy. Once the Easy-Goer gets home they kick off their shoes and fall into bed with their phone in one hand and a snack in the other. The next two to three hours is spent in bed just chilling until mom yells that dinner was ready five minutes ago. Nothing wrong with slightly warm food. After dinner it’s back to the bed where the rest of the night is spent until morning comes and the cycle starts all over again.