Senior students Nicole Albrecht and Joey Gag utilizing student support days in the art classroom.
Senior students Nicole Albrecht and Joey Gag utilizing student support days in the art classroom.

Utilizing Student Support Days

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic New Ulm high school has provided the student with fridays off so that they can keep up in there classes.

April 12, 2021

The Covid 19 pandemic has impacted our everyday life as we know it. Now we have to wear masks almost everywhere we go. The pandemic has impacted New Ulm high school in many ways. Many of the students are upset with some of the new rules.

One of the biggest changes faced was the addition of student support days. These are days off of school given to the students so that they can stay caught up in their classes.

Student Nicole Albracht said, “I enjoy having support days so I can come in and work on my pottery.” Also student Joey Gag said, “I like support days because if I’m caught up I can sleep in.”

Therefore student support days are beneficial, but they aren’t utilized enough so they most likely will be back to normal next year.



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