Senior yearbook student Cody Hamelau working on the yearbook on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon
Senior yearbook student Cody Hamelau working on the yearbook on a beautiful Tuesday afternoon

The Revival of Senior Quotes

New Ulm High School has decided to bring back Senior quotes after a few years without

March 21, 2021

Senior quotes have been something that seniors for generations have enjoyed. Students were able to share a quote they found funny or inspirational. As years went along, though, there were issues with inappropriate quotes finding their way into the yearbook. This resulted in the school taking away senior quotes for a few years. Many students were furious with the decision and upset that the opportunity was ruined for them.

Despite having no quotes, the school still offers a yearbook class which helps with getting and putting together photos into each year’s yearbook. Many of these students were disappointed that the school was not allowing quotes. One student in particular, senior Cody Hamelau said, “Senior quotes have been around for ages. It seems unfair to take away a once-in-a-lifetime experience just because a couple of kids couldn’t act appropriately.”

After all, kids are going to be kids and try to do stuff just for a laugh and sometimes that’s ok. Finally, this year the school has decided to let the Seniors have another shot at their quotes, but only if enough Seniors decide to participate. Another yearbook student, Brayden Gearity, said, “I encourage all seniors to take advantage of this opportunity and fill out a senior quote.” They now are going to make sure that students send in their quotes well before the yearbook is made so that they will have enough time to go through and look at them to make sure that they are all appropriate.

So far it seems that we will have enough to get them integrated into the yearbook. Whatever does end up happening we should be thankful for our school for having trust in us to be mature in giving us this privilege because not all schools or students get to experience this. Also, thanks to Mrs. cowing and her student’s hard work we will finally have our yearbook looking like normal again.

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