Distant learner working on his daily task,Adam is working on biking which is a activity he chose for the day. (Maddie Nelson)
Distant learner working on his daily task,Adam is working on biking which is a activity he chose for the day.

Maddie Nelson

How Distance Learning Effects the Disabled Children

These students get ¨online¨ each day to check in with their teachers. This can make it very hard for them to communicate.

November 5, 2020

Distance Learning can be difficult for some High School students.  Many students are forced into this system of learning; one group is mentally/ Physically disabled children. Some have weak immune systems, which make them more susceptible to the virus.


These students struggle with a lot of things through this system. Usually, they have a helper to guide them through their assignments, but others do not.  Being alone can be difficult because they can get confused very quickly and sometimes can’t comprehend what is going on during class. This is not the only struggle that they go through; they also struggle a lot with not being around their friends. It is hard for them to be at home because most disabled kids don’t have phones to communicate. Therefore the only time they can talk to their friends is at school. Brooke Berg (Para) at NUHS was interviewed, and she said¨It hard for them because they aren’t able to see and interact with their friends.

Different web programs and activities are used for these students than other students. They use ¨Zoom¨ sometimes, but in their gym class, they get choice boards. This is a board with all different types of activities that they can choose from and do daily. Gym teacher, Mrs.Longtin, was interviewed, and she mentioned that the kids seem to like doing the choice boards because it gives them a variety of things to do during her class period. They are required to show that they had done at least one of these activities a day by taking a picture, video, etc. On Fridays, they also do zoom calls with Mrs.Longtin. Doing this helps them to catch up and give them some way of face to face contact.

This is how the zoom calls on Friday look like, but only with around 5 people.
Here is a student doing one of his daily activities in class.















There are around four distance learning disabled students at this time, but some still come to school. The ones that are in person are not used to the other ones being gone. Distance learning not only impacts the ones at home, but it also affects the ones at school. The online learning system is changing daily, and new websites are being added. The kids hope that they can come back to school when it is safe to do so, but for now, this is what they have to do.

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