Jefferson Elementary once a school, now a daycare (Maddie Nelson)
Jefferson Elementary once a school, now a daycare

Maddie Nelson

Daycare during a pandemic

Local elementary schools offer daycare during Covid-19

May 15, 2020

The once-busy hallways of Jefferson Elementary are now significantly less lively with the new distance learning. However, the building is not completely empty: teachers, paraprofessionals, and other staff members fill the building each day doing different tasks. One of the many things going on in the building is daycare.

The paraprofessionals run the daycare service that Jefferson Elementary now provides. “There are about 10-15 kids in the daycare on any given day,” paraprofessional Tammy Windschitl said. The daycare is open 5 days a week form 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. “Most of the kids stay there from 7:30-3 pm, just like a school day,” paraprofessional Liz Albrecht said.

The daycare is set up in stations including gym, legos, library, and computer. “Each station is 30 minutes long and the kids move from activity to activity,” paraprofessional Michelle Nelson said. For the stations, the kids are divided into groups. “There are two groups of 6 kids in each,” Albrecht said. The kids seem to enjoy the daycare. The daycare will run through the end of the school year.


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